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John S. Toll Professorship Program


The John S. Toll Professorship provides an opportunity for full and part time tenured faculty and librarians to hold a special post retirement assignment. Toll Professorships allow the University to retain the important experience and contributions of valued colleagues while also enabling Toll Professors to adjust the level of their responsibilities through a post retirement program.

Terms and Conditions

Upon request of the faculty member/librarian, and after consideration and authorization by the respective Dean and the Provost, this program will allow selected participants to be rehired to a part-time appointment, subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Participating faculty members must have retired from full-time employment.
  • The new appointment as John S. Toll Professor will be a part-time, temporary appointment, and may be renewable annually, not to exceed a total of three years from the date of retirement.
  • For 10-month faculty, appointments are limited to the Spring and Fall semesters.
  • Salary maximum of $30,000 per calendar year.
  • Participation shall be permitted only after determination by the Provost or designee that part time employment is beneficial to the department and school from which the faculty member is retiring.
  • This is a terminal State appointment at Stony Brook University.

Appointment Status

Academic faculty and librarians must be retired and may be re-hired to a part-time, temporary position at the academic rank achieved at the time of retirement.


The starting salary for the Phased Retirement Program is calculated as a percentage of the full- time base salary of the employee’s position immediately preceding participation in the phased post retirement program.

  • The salary will correspond to the percentage of effort, but will not exceed the salary cap (currently $30,000).
  • The salary will be annualized and paid on the regular State pay date.

Negotiated Salary Increases

Phased Retirement Program participants remain eligible for negotiated across-the-board salary increases subject to program salary maximum $30,000. Participants are not eligible for discretionary salary increases.


Eligible participants may elect to enroll in health insurance, and union provided dental and vision coverage. Premiums for health insurance are established by the Department of Civil Service and participants may be entitled to use the value of accumulated unused sick leave to offset all or part of the cost of health insurance during retirement.

There will be no further contributions or service credit to the retirement systems. Participants will be retired from Stony Brook University and as retirees will not be eligible to participate in any legislated retirement incentives. Please contact HRS Benefits at 631-632-6180 for further information.

In order for Toll Professor appointments to be eligible for health benefits, there needs to be at least a one day break in service.  (For questions, please contact HR Benefits directly at 632-6180)

Please view the instructions below provided by HR Benefits. 

  • As an example, using a 9/1 effective start date for the Toll Professor appointment
    • The faculty member's retirement letter would reflect 8/30 close of business, as the last day worked 
    • Retirement effective date 8/31, beginning of business
    • 8/31 remains inactive for break in benefits purposes
    • The Toll appointment start date is 9/1 beginning of business

Please follow this schedule for any effective date used for new Toll appointments.

Bargaining Unit

Employees who take advantage of this program remain represented by the United University Professions and are covered by the Agreement between UUP and the State of New York and subject to applicable union dues.

Leave Accruals

Participants will accrue leave on a part-time basis (see UUP Agreement, Article 23).

Leaves of Absence

Participants are not eligible for Sabbatical leave or Title F leave.

Other Incentive Programs

Participation in the Toll Professorship program precludes participation in any other University separation incentive program, unless directly allowed in any particular incentive program.

Application Procedure

Employees interested in applying for the John S. Toll Professorship must submit a letter of application for appropriate divisional approvals to your department chair one semester prior to the anticipated beginning of the program.



