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Learning Never Retires!   

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Stony Brook University (OLLI at SBU) program aims to fulfill your thirst for knowledge, engagement and educational stimulation through interpersonal and community experiences. Our members find opportunities for both educational and social enrichment, all while celebrating inclusivity and diversity. A premier quality source of lifelong learning, OLLI at SBU is designed to appeal to those 50+ years of age through cost-effective, noncredit member-led workshops, lectures and events supporting its mission.

Join a vibrant, active community of individuals who all share a love of learning!





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Campus CE

Create or Sign-In to Your Campus CE Account

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create Campus CE Account or Sign-In Here 


Choose Membership Type

Annual or Term options

Step-by-Step Instructions

Choose Your Membership Here



In Person, Zoom or Hybrid

Step-by-Step Instructions

Request In Person Workshops Here

Register for Zoom Workshops Here





Step-by-Step Instructions

Complete Checkout Process Here


Summer 2025 Update

Registration will open soon for the Summer semester, please keep an eye on your email for next few weeks for important updates.

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Annual Membership Term Membership Summer Semester
$375 $200 $100

Covers Fall, Spring and
Summer semesters


Covers Fall or Spring semester

Covers Summer semester



Be part of an organization designed to meet your intellectual interests.

OLLI membership gives you access to such a wide variety of workshops, lectures, trips and special events throughout the year.


Three ways to participate: In Person, Zoom and Hybrid workshops led by OLLI members (includes access to free Zoom training with downloadable training guide)

Access to a variety of virtual and in person social and educational special events and trips

OLLI Virtual Lecture Series featuring engaging guest speakers who share their insights and experiences with the OLLI membership 

Subscription to the OLLI Weekly Bulletin, The Weekly Round-up

Community engagement amongst members of diverse career, educational and experiential backgrounds

Opportunity to volunteer as a workshop leader

Access to participate in OLLI Committees and Councils

Access to Stony Brook University G Suite (Gmail, Google drive, Google docs, etc.), licensed SBU Zoom account, SBU virtual events, SBU newsletter and more



Read All Amazing Testimonials Here


    "I knew before I retired in December of 2013 that I would become a member of OLLI after so many friends shared their joy at being members. I joined in 2014 and have not been disappointed. OLLI workshops have inspired me to keep on learning-some subjects I would never have thought to check into. One of the most enjoyable experiences was being a member of the OLLI chorus"


    - Rachelle (Shelly) Psaris

    (OLLI Member)


    " The OLLI program is a boon to semi and fully-retired people. It is a magnet for those who still want to learn despite their age, prior experience or current knowledge. It offers diverse workshops in myriad subjects led by knowledgeable, enthusiastic and personable members who consistently deliver engaging sessions"

    - Len Farano

    (Committee Member)


    "Discovering OLLI after retirement gave me many educational opportunities I never expected. From politics, the arts and sciences to history, workshops were led by incredible members. So much to enjoy and learn for so little cost!  OLLI has been able to offer hundreds of creative virtual workshops led by fellow leaders since Covid began"

    - Jeff Hollander

    (Workshop Leader)

    Irma Gurman

    "I love teaching and joined OLLI to fill the void when I retired. OLLI has provided me with the opportunity to teach, to do research which I love, to make many new friends, and take courses with wonderful workshop leaders."

    - Irma Gurman

    (Workshop Leader)

    Sue Mraz

    "When I retired, I joined some committees and that has been most enjoyable.  Meeting and working on projects with other members just enhanced my OLLI experience. OLLI has been a wonderful addition to my life, and I appreciate every part of it."

    - Sue Mruz

    (Committee Chair)

Fall 2024 Flyer