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Promotion to Associate Professor

Each discipine is different, and each college and school has its own process.

Contact your dean's office to learn more.

We support faculty by helping ensure transparency, consistency, and equity. 


Promotion and Tenure Timelines

In most cases, you will have six years, or 12 semesters, at Stony Brook in which to prepare to go up for associate professor with tenure.

Your First 10 Semesters 

During your first 10 semesters at Stony Brook, you should be focused on ensuring that you are building a strong case for yourself.



Preparing and Submitting your File

When did you start at Stony Brook?




Submit your File

Semester 10

You will start building your tenure file in Interfolio. Your file is due to the Provost's Office April 1; your department's assistant to the chair (ATC) will help you to submit it.

Your file must include: CV; Statements on research, teaching, and service (three separate statements); Sample publications, talks, and/or creative works; Courses taught; Honors and awards; Dissertations and/or theses advised; Sample syllabi; List of external reviewers; Service to your department, university, and profession.

Explore Interfolio

External Evaluation


Your tenure file will be sent for external review. At least five external reviewers are required; two will be based on your list of recommendations and three will be selected by your department.

Learn about External Evaluators

Departmental Review

Semester 11 

Your departmental review committee will evaluate your file. They will be expected to make their recommendation to your college or school. Your college or school review committee will make its recommendation and submit your file to the Provost's Office.


Provost's Office Review

Semester 12 

By the end of February, your college/school committee will make its recommendation and submit your file to the Provost's Office. The Provost's Office will review your file and make its recommendation. You will have five days to review your file and our recommendation before the President's Office review begins. 


President's Office Review

Summer after Semester 12 

The President's Office will review your file.  By the end of July, the president will notify you of the status of your review.


Celebrate your Accomplishment

Semester 13 

Every fall, the university hosts a celebration of newly tenured facutly.

We hope to see you there!


Altered Promotion and Tenure Timelines

Extension of Time-to-Tenure

Tenure clock extensions may be considered for personal or professional reasons.

This extension may be accomplished through:

  • A reduction in work hours that would be reflected in a reduction of the faculty member's effort, with a comparable reduction in salary, or
  • A transfer of the faculty member’s appointment to a position of qualified academic rank, for example a visiting assistant professor.

The faculty member may request an extension of the tenure clock with a letter to the appropriate department chair or area coordinator.